They really stepped up their soundtrack game after Fifa 18 felt like a repeat of 16's. Something that you will realize for the Fifa's after this is that although mainstream names were never uncommon in Fifa soundtracks they start getting huge mega stars on the soundtrack as you start seeing names like Billie Eilish and J. Cole on this soundtrack, but for this soundtrack they picked really good songs so it's not a huge loss especially since it's still mostly dominated by the underground.
Feels Like Summer is so out of place in this game but the song is a 10/10 so it gets a pass

The peak of gaming #JUSTICEFORCHARA

I still have basically no idea on what a Tatsunoko is but this game goes so hard

Crazy underrated, this is simple but well designed FUN!!!

Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap!

I'm gonna rate these games by their soundtrack since I feel ashamed I was so into these games for a long time.
I don't have that much nostalgia for this soundtrack since I didn't get into FIFA until 15 but this has a NIN song so it's pretty good.

Maybe it's because this was the year I got into listening to music outside of video games but this soundtrack doesn't really reflect anything about the current year it just feels like a repeat of 16's soundtrack which like I get that Fifa soundtracks have their own vibe but I've also seen them as a pretty good indicator of where popular music was at the time of their release and this just isn't that. Still overall catchy even if outdated for it's release year.
This has a shoegaze song and I didn't realize it was Slowdive until a month ago.

Way less amazing gay drama. I don't like defending pedophiles.

Maybe as good as Hit & Run I'm not sure...

Other rhythm games: P-please k-keep playing us...
Me: Shut your goofy ass up! Bro thinks he can tell me what to do
Don-Chan: さあ!始まるドン!
Me: Yes sir, glory to Taiko no Tatsujin.

Has an atmosphere I haven't seen replicated in any game ever but it's a shame this game controls like garbage and is insanely slow. Still have huge nostalgia bias though

I was going through a lot of shovelware licensed games with my girlfriend and had the most fun with this game not because it's any good, but because it was so fucking funny and entertaining with how stupid the minigames were in contrast to how serious the story is trying to take itself.

Might be the most fun game to control of all time, beating out Mario 64.

PowerWash SImulator for house people.

I was able to play this at an anime convention I went to, greatest experience of my life.