A competent Pokémon clone, based on a show that was made by a sex-offender

Somehow better than the 3DS game they made about this dumbass movie, but that's not saying much.

What bizzarro dimension did I travel to where the licenced beat-em-up game somehow turned out to be one of the more solid experiences on the app store?

Went better than the last time I put my hamster in a floating canon course.

Here’s the thing.
I. Don’t. Give. A. Shit. About. Basebaaaall. It’s boring.

hehehe... da colurs r purdy...

Lonely mfs can finally draw themselves some bitches, with no actual drawing required (perfect for the lonely mfs who are also completely talentless)

They had to replace Frogger after the workplace misconduct.

Wow, the early 2010s really had nothing going on huh? It’s kind of bizarre how something this quaint exploded back then.

"Can we get Simpsons Arcade?"

"We have Simpsons Arcade at home"

Simpsons Arcade at home:

Clash of Clans with jaundice

Was infinitely more satisfying flinging them off the stage than playing normally; the screen wobble and loud THUNK just tickled something in my 10 year old brain.