Awfully boring, Horrendous, hurtful. 9 hours of this crap. Honestly, I just didn't drop so I could talk with a high level of certainty.

Gameplay? Reading a bunch of texts with small talks and holding your analog to the left. This should've been a visual novel, I swear. It's a goddamn walking simulator

Story? Dude, a cat with 20y that dropped college and represents depression and anxiety in a dumb way It's not a great plot. "oh there is a cult", OMG, BEST STORY EVER.

Characters? Mae? annoying, dumb, stupid. Bea, the most reasonable one, the one I don't feel like dying when reading the dialogs. The rest? meh

If you're one of the people who write "oh, this cat is literally me"... Man, Your life is sad and nobody likes you. Life is not this game, you won't have friends who will save you from a cult acting like this. STFU and go do something meaninful with your life

I'm sorry, I don't usually trash talk games THAT much, but this one...

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023


9 months ago

A trash game deserves nothing more than being trash-talked
Kinda spitting crappyskills


9 months ago


9 months ago

Isn't it the obvious point of the game that mae is kinda "dumb, annoying and stupid" and needs to grow the fuck up?? Like that is literally the main conclusion of the game. I think you missed that as much as the "this cat literally me"-folks.
And did you really just ignore all the mandatory, story interwoven mini games in your sentence about the gameplay part on purpose? You can hate the game as much as you like to idc, but at least don't misrepresent it smh. Also hard agree with Fuiza lol

9 months ago

@ThinkingFella oh yeah, the minigames that are 10% of the game. 5% a bootleg guitar hero and 5% moving her arm. And yes, It is obvious she needs to grow up, but she grew up after eight hours and a half. It was not like she was learning throughout the game, changing her attitudes piece by piece. And the game in general is unnecessarily slow, and that is a fact
@fuiza yeah it def ain't a 9 but the first one isnt that bad

9 months ago

Man there was more than that lol, but it was some time ago I played it so I can't speak on the percentages of each individual gameplay elements so I digress, but you also forgot the kinda bad platforming sections, like that's a valid complaint. I don't personally had any issues with the Pacing so I guess it's not "a fact". And is piece by piece really the only possible way her attitude should have changed in your opinion? I felt her not wanting or recognising it till the moment her friends revealed to her that they move on in life hit way harder than any formulaic gradual change in her behaviour could achieve.


9 months ago

@fuiza nah it's not that bad. Better than this game at least