I give it an extra half star because the last batch of boss fights was really good.
Overall, here are the impressions for both versions (notwithstanding the westernized art style that I could take or leave and 8-direction movement):
+ Nice story that makes you feel genuine emotion at times.
+ Epic, cinematic gimmick boss fights like Maiden Astraea and the Storm King.
+ The high of finishing a difficult section.
+ Excellent dreamlike high fantasy atmosphere.
+ Excellent soundtrack.
- Horrendous level design with very few shortcuts, felt like banging your head against a wall due to lack of checkpoints within stages.
- Weird balancing, such as no poise and magic being overly favored.
- Unbalanced moon grass healing system.
- Carry weight.
- Swamp of sorrow. Seriously, Miyazaki must have a fetish for Louisiana.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022
