Resident Evil Survivor 2 is just such a "nothing" game. The original Survivor was pretty awful, but at least some entertainment could be derived from its cheesy voice acting and pick up and play nature. Survivor 2 is essentially the original game but soulless. The charm is entirely wiped away and is replaced by what is essentially an asset flip of Code Veronica. I played with a gamepad this time as I couldn't figure out how to emulate a Namco GunCon in PCSX2 and found myself wrestling with the controls. You have to use the bumpers to turn, which while I got used to it, isn't smooth or intuitive at all, especially since bosses require you to circle strafe. The game tasks you with running through assorted locations from Code Veronica, collecting keys to leave before a timer runs out. If the timer runs out, Nemesis from Resident Evil 3 shows up for some reason, and he isn't much of a threat and can be outpaced fairly easily. It's an incredibly basic gameplay loop that isn't very fun and doesn't begin to rival Sega's House of the Dead series, which Capcom is trying to ape.

There's also dungeon mode, where the player is put within a maze and must explore a series of rooms to collect all the gems or kill a boss enemy. You're not given a map so exploring these levels is repetitive and uninteresting, and given that all the rooms look the same it's hard to tell where you are going. It's where the meat of this game is but it's decidedly less fun.

The presentation is also fairly bad. Every asset is simply ripped from Code Veronica directly with no attempt to use the increased power of the PlayStation 2 to improve them. Lighting is flat and inexpressive, models look like puppets on strings, and there isn't even any voice acting. All the lines are delivered with the grace of text that moves too quickly, which is for the better considering the translation is rather poor. Steve and Claire calling each other "sis" and "Mr. Knight" is rather hilarious, even if it doesn't reach the hilarity levels of Survivor 1.

It's hard to write a review of a game that doesn't offer anything. If you wanted to play a zombie-themed light gun shooter, you could just play The House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast, which is where the original Code Veronica is anyways. Not recommended at all.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2021


2 years ago

It has always impressed me how weirdly incapable Capcom is at turning RE into an acceptable shooter. Maybe I was brought up on HOTD2 too much and take it for granted but I feel like these games should frickin make themselves!!
It's because they never truly committed to the concept