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Being a fan of the original Dreamland, as well as a little bit of experience playing Kirby's Adventure - I was happy to get into this and - yeah, it's short and sweet.

The abilities give you a whole playground of things to do, there's some fun secret stuff for 1-ups or access to more minigames on the menu, most of the game is just 1 giant linear playground that you can really do whatever you want in. Add in mixes and the BURNING ability and I see the appeal as a speedgame as well.

It's mostly a walk in the park difficulty-wise (as one should expect from a Kirby game) but the 7th world and pretty much the final does have some really creative and psuedo-challenging levels, along with a revamped Dedede fight that doesn't stray too far from the original but feels fresh and a new final boss that is at least kinda cool; making this feel like a nice, full package.

I didn't even get into Extra Mode or the minigames, so there's definitely a replayability factor here too. The music is good, graphically it looks nice and colorful at least on a brightened screen and I have nothing to complain about other than it being a little bit on the short side and not too far out of the box when even at this point we had some pretty revolutionary Kirby games.

BEATEN on 6/5/24.