It's almost insane that this game released on the same hardware generation as Metal Gear Solid 2. The gameplay is such a fantastic step up from its predecessor that it boggles my mind. Everything to the gunplay to the addition of CQC and even the boss fights are improved so much in this entry. The experience is just a lot snappier and caused me to enjoy this game way more than 2. The camera is probably the biggest improvement, opting to take a third-person over-the-shoulder camera that helps this game fit in with more modern games. Level design also is improved, with big open areas coupled with the new camo system which makes options for taking down enemies nearly limitless. While the cutscenes may run a bit too long for my liking, it helps that this is a prequel to the Metal Gear saga and thus has none of the story baggage that held down MGS2 so much. You don't need to have played anything else to enjoy this game's story. The story is paced structured like a Bond film with all the action setpieces and tragic endings to connect it together. It even has a fantastic vocal theme that sticks with you years after playing it. I have very minor complaints such as the Food and Curing system feeling a bit clunky but otherwise this was a great experience that is a must play for any Bond fans out there.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
