Playing this game is a mixed bag. On one hand the story is genuinely interesting and keeps you going through the game. But the actual gameplay is a lot too be desired. As a port, it suffers from not being on original hardware. The controls on the switch version are real hit or miss. While docked mode has the motion controls, it usually controls fine with the controls changing from stick to motion depending on whether you are in battle or in the overworld. Unfortunately, the inputs are not very precise in battle so you often struggle preforming attacks that might cause you the battle. While the handheld mode seems better on paper, letting you use the touch screen as intended, it still has a few flaws. Most of the time I have no problem with it. The only thing I wish was that I could control the characters in the overworld with the control stick. Additionally, a lot of concepts feel half-baked like the "meme" system (yes I know), in that there isn't enough time to fully flesh out these mechanics. With these complaints in mind, however, this still is a great story to witness, if one that would probably be better experienced watching on Youtube.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2021
