Resident Evil 2 Remake took an already great survival horror game and improved it in almost every way. The RPD is terrifying in ways that the original lacks. The lights flicker in and out, areas are flooded with the dread of the next encounter lurking around the corner, and the danger of Mr. X constantly makes the player feel a sense of unease and dread when the walk through this zombie-infested police department. The excellent REngine is put to great use here, with zombies shambling all across the game with terrifying gore-ish detail.

The controls are probably the most significant improvement to this remake. Gone is the stiff tank controls that turned away many potential players from experiencing the original story. Instead we have great third person gameplay that feels great to play. The weapons don’t have as much impact as before, enemies in general take more shots to defeat, but it adds to the already chilling tension and that enriches the survival horror gameplay.

In addition, the remake successfully captures the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the original game while enhancing the overall narrative. Both Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield are given much more focus and feel more realized in this new fleshed out world. Their vocal performances are top notch and they really help settle yourself into the shoes of these protagonists. The branching paths of A and B have been more streamlined which may be a detriment to some but it does help the story feel more focused so I don’t mind it as much.

Yea RE2 remake is perhaps the perfect remake. It successfully captures the essence of the original while delivering a modern, polished experience. It recaptured that magic that made the original so special and even supersedes it sometimes.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2023
