Xenoblade is a franchise that has always hit for me and I was super excited for this DLC. But honestly? I found myself underwhelmed and at times confused.

The gameplay is still the classic Xenoblade formula. Real-time RPG mechanics that really hits you right in the dopamine receptor. I found myself quite liking Xenoblade 3’s base gameplay. Sure, it wasn’t as in-depth as XC2’s, but I still found myself enjoying it. I did set myself to thinking that it would be improved in its DLC campaign, as Torna did for XC2. But honestly, there wasn’t TOO radical a change here. Pretty much the Interlink system was replaced with team attacks. Which to be fair, was cool seeing the mix and match potential of this cast of characters, but ultimately it didn’t satisfy me as much as I thought it would.

The story is what I was really looking forward to and it did mostly delivered. Seeing Shulk and Rex interact and seeing familiar locations feel fully realized in this DLC campaign was a treat. There are so many easter eggs to XC1 and XC2 that it makes you grin. The entire main cast for this campaign was a welcome band of assorted characters that all paired well. I wish they were explored a bit more but since this was only a dlc expansion I didn’t expect too much. The overall main plot was kinda a mixed bag for me. I feel like we went to metaphorical and introspective that it really did lose me by the end. I feel like the game didn’t explain how all the pieces fit together and things just kinda happen that you have to accept by the end. Nothing felt off-putting, just confusing.

Future Redeemed is a mixed bag for me. What was supposed to be a closing chapter to the Xenoblade trilogy left me with more questions than answers. The tale of the Founders was still engaging all the way through, but I don’t think I felt satisfied with the ending they gave us with. The gameplay was alright and the story left me confused, but this still was a good time. Perhaps not reaching the heights of the main game but still fairly good and worth a play if you’re a xeno-nutcase like me.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2023
