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I had my concerns about this game coming into it, but I was pleasantly surprised when I actually enjoyed the "open zone" gameplay, and it was easily one of the more enjoyable things about the game.
The Cyberspace Levels imo were not amazing, but not terrible, they were also pretty fun to play through, with no levels sticking out as "amazing" or "terrible".
The bosses are 100% the highlights of the game for me, if you can avoid listening to the boss themes before playing the game, absolutely do that. They hit different when you experience them for the first time playing the bosses.
The "True Final Boss" is disappointing, and the difficulties don't really do a lot besides not playing the boss, and this game does have its fair share of "Why is this in the game" moments. The 2nd half of the game in some ways feels rushed, but it definitely is a much needed rebound after the heavy disappointment that was Sonic Forces.
Hopefully the free DLC over the course of the 2023 will make this game feel much more complete, I'm genuinely excited for it!