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What an incredible upgrade from Halo Wars 1. Halo Wars 1 was a niche foray into a genre that isn't played by many, so you didn't expect or even need it to be amazing by any means. It was solid, and that's what mattered.

Halo Wars 2 on the other hand? Excellent. And honestly, it's one of the better Halo titles if you can stand the RTS genre. I actually really have a soft spot for these characters - Professor Anders, Spartan Jerome, and etc. Not only is the gameplay of Halo Wars vastly improved over its predecessor, the game now also firmly cements itself in the timeline of Halo by introducing the Banished for the first time prior to Halo: Infinite. Units are satisfying to use, and having more voice diversity gives the game more personality and pop.

If you like Halo and/or Strategy, give it a shot sometime. It's a solid starter RTS too to get you in the genre, but I will warn that some later missions get fairly difficult.

Score: 88