Red Alert 1 is about as good as Command & Conquer 1. C&C 1 has a better campaign, but Red Alert 1 has enough unit diversity across its various expansions to be a better Skirmish and Multiplayer game. Unfortunately, Red Alert 1 suffers many of the problems that the C&C 1 has, since at its core, its a reskin. The campaign relies too much on weirdly put together "stealth" missions for the Allies, and an over-reliance on Naval transport across seafaring maps. This wouldn't be a problem if the pathing wasn't so god awful for units, making stuffing units into a transport an utter chore. There are also the missions where you have to capture an enemy building, a building you'd destroy normally in other circumstances. So you're often in the middle of leveling an enemy base when BOOM - "Mission Failed". Oops, I destroyed the Radar Dome I have to capture for some reason. Guess I gotta go build a few Engineers to capture it since 1 Engineer alone can't capture buildings. And those missions are present for BOTH factions.

Despite the frustrating campaign mission design, Skirmish is a blast with things like Chrono Tanks and MAAD Tanks at your disposal. Naval combat is more of a thing in this game but feels lackluster due to the pathing issues the game shares with C&C 1. That's why people go back to Red Alert more, but remember Tiberium's universe as being more iconic.

So Red Alert is hard to rate because of that, so I'll settle on just giving it the same score as C&C1.

Score: 82

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
