Devil May Cry 3 is often lauded as one of the best Character-Action games of all time, so I went in with high expectations. While I enjoyed myself thoroughly, I couldn't help feeling a tad disappointed. It was definitely more polished than 1 and 2, don't get me wrong, but the Steam port does nothing to hide that ol' PS2 jank, and at times its frustrating not because of the difficulty, but because of that jank.

However, DMC3 surpasses that by still being a blast of a time and the most entertaining entry out of the PS2 titles by far. Despite being a bit disappointed with it at first, the game's last act really sticks the landing and has some awesome sequences that more than make up for the annoying Metroivania-ish level design you have to go through at times. The level design also feels like it gets better the more you go on.

Combat is fun, and Styles are interesting, but it really is missing that Style switcher the Switch version has. Which is why it frustrates me that the Steam port is somehow the inferior way to play this game. The Steam port is so disappointing and does nothing to touch-up the game at all, to the point where you may as well do the word that rhymes with stimulate and starts with "e". The experience might even be better!

Sorry, but that really frustrated. DMC 3's really good, and I'd recommend it if you're into Character-Action games, because it's one of the more notable ones in the genre, and for good reason. Although I think all of this datedness holds it back from being truly hitting the upper echelon and it could really do for the Kingdom Hearts "Remix" treatment.

Score: 87

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
