Really good game, improves on the original a lot in both traversal and combat gameplay. Story so far is excellent as well. Only reason why this isn't a 5/5 is because the game feels really poorly optimized on my PS5, even after the day 1 patch that claimed it would better optimize the game. The graphics, especially on cutscenes, are at times blurry, pixely, and out of focus, and buildings seemingly pop into existence before your eyes as you travel around New York. Some sections of the game are also too dark or too bright even after I spent a solid hour on the settings adjusting graphics. The game also has some bugs such as animations on the player and non player characters glitching and not working midway through gameplay. Hopefully these issues are solved soon as I did not expect this low optimization from insomniac. Besides that Spider-Man 2 is a good sequel to the first game, that is only topped by Spider-Man Miles Morales in my opinion.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
