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Benpai reviewed The Beginner's Guide
I don't think the message of this game resonated with me as deeply as some other people, but I did still really like this. I won't pretend the thing as a whole didn't make me stop and think, there definitely were some segments that hit harder than others. I feel that maybe that going to school for and being in the games industry has kinda made parts of this game feel redundant? But that then begs the question, should I not feel more because of my position and my job? I dunno. Still a cool game tho

7 days ago

7 days ago

Benpai reviewed Turbo Overkill
Something I disagreed with, but understood about Doom Eternal, is that the restrictions on the combat system turned the game off for a lot of people, giving less freedom in the player arsenal as compared to Doom 2016 and older Doom titles. Turbo Overkill, however, feels like one of those passionate (or not so passionate) fans went and made an entire game in spite of those combat restrictions.

This game took me longer than I'd like to admit to finish (around 8 months) because it left a very middling impression on me when I started it. I didn't hate the game, but I didn't feel the need to want to play it. The level design is extremely cyberpunk (and it nails it), but something about it at the time made me sick of it. Could be that I'm also playing Cyberpunk 2077 and I was burned on the aesthetic, but I digress. Picking it back up more consistently at the start of this year, the level design here is SUPER fun and you can tell the devs really really love boomer shooters. Everything about this game feels like Doom Eternal but quicker and (mostly) more satisfying.
It doesn't overstay its welcome either, with 31 levels the game sat me around 12-13 hours to beat. I will say, however, some of the levels feel like they stretch on for muuuuuch longer than they should. Some arent too bad, but it feels like a good majority of them are 25-30 minutes.

The weapon arsenal feels is pretty great too, with some really unique takes on the classic boomer shooter loadout. My favorite weapon was the sniper that let you telefrag to enemies if you charged it, and the orbital laser cannon was fun too. I do think, however, that the weapon balance starts to skew a bit towards the end of the game. A lot of the weapons fall off in the damage department, and their augments/alt-fires start to feel very useless as a result of that too. I did play on Hard so that might have some bearing on it? But some weapons definitely feel too weak. You also get some new tools, like a bullet time and a grappling hook, which help keep things fresh and differ it from other boomer shooters.

The music bangs too, I expected it to be good but every level has a different song, some being vastly different while still managing to fit the theme of the game. Enemy design is mostly good too, though there is one enemy that is kinda awkward and is the only one with a combat restriction to them. Odd choice but not horrible.

I'm starting to ramble at this point, but I'll end this saying that this is a fantastic boomer shooter, and that anyone who is a fan of the genre should tap in. Also you get chainsaw legs and they're EASILY the best part of the game like holy shit

7 days ago

7 days ago

8 days ago

griffingalactic backloggd Neva

8 days ago

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