Upon completion , the satisfaction that you feel, the sheer euphoria of it outweights any frustration i might´ve felt, and that´s the point of this game. Getting over it, may it be insurmountable obstacles here or in real life.
That with enough practice , if you push through it in certain ways and with the right mindset you can do it. The game´s narrator and the soundtrack that he plays reinforce these ideias. It´s a game with a simple and clear objective and i think it suceeds in that ordeal more than it fails.
Another thing i like is how after beating it , it becomes way easier and if you keep doing it, it becomes shockingly simple to beat. For the negatives , the orange section and some parts afterwards felt super annoying since i felt like i needed to align the hammer pixel perfect, even thought after doing it once or twice , it became quite simple.
It´s not a game for everyone but for anyone in the right mindset and state of mind, you can indeed conquer it.
For anyone who did, you beat the game and rose above the mountain and for that all i have to say is, i´m glad you did or i´m glad you came.

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2024
