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This is the most fun I've had with the gameplay in an RE game since the original trilogy. It's sorta like the remedy to all my complaints with RE4. Ammo does not drop from enemies and you are incentivized to search the environment for resources, and the control scheme is really great. Dodging enemy attacks through the i-frames of an evade is dope and it's nice to not have some weird QTE mechanic for dodging. This game also has my favorite partner system yet, no longer will you switch to playing as Chris with absolutely no items and effectively soft lock yourself, no longer will you have a partner that consumes ammo and can die at any moment, no longer will you have a partner that is invincible and serves no purpose but to make you wait at every single door you try to open. Revelations 2 solves every previous issue with partners, they don't consume ammo or herbs because they don't use firearms and they regen health when taking damage. But you still need to be aware of them and protect them, and you also don't need to wait at every door for them to waltz on over THANK GOD. The mechanic of switching to a character who is defenseless but can find resources or give you info about an enemies weakspot adds such a fun dynamic to the moment to moment gameplay as well.
Unfortunately it seems almost tradition at this point for every RE game to absolutely nail some things but to fall flat on many other vital parts of like... a good game. I really, really, disliked the environments in this game. It's just brown and brown and grey forests and generic rusty scary abandoned buildings, it feels so incredibly uninspired for a series that usually goes to a lot of unique places. It also isn't scary at all when it feels like it's trying so incredibly hard to scare you in the first place.
The writing and story here is also pretty terrible, there are so so many plotholes and the characters are so insufferable. Claires campaign is nearly nonstop swearing and random interjections from your companion making jokes and her entire character is essentially I HATE MY DAD!!!!! and her character arc after being off screen for an hour is I LOVE MY DAD!!!!
The level design is also varied in quality, some sections were super fun to play through and some sections were absolute slogs. I really hated carrying a crate while walking at a snails pace through a grey ass mining facility but sometimes the game will lock you in an area and have you backtrack and search for items and do some basic puzzles which was always fun and a nice way to change pace. They were so close to making the game RE6 was trying to be, where it can retain a lot of what makes the original trilogy so great while also embracing the action of RE4.