As someone who made a "Hunt Down The Freeman sucks 😤😤" video when this came out, it kind of rules fuck it

Absolutely baffling game every step of the way with no sense of thought out design or anything, not played a game since this where I've had so many questions for the developers. Might not be "so bad it's good" in the same way as something like The Room but gives the same feeling of complete confusion on how it was made. And in a medium that seems really eager to homogenise and streamline itself so that everything can be played by everyone, it's kind of funny playing something that doesn't seem to have been thought through at all and either completely ignores game design techniques or tries them without understanding what they're for.

Not saying this is some misunderstood materpiece but I'd actually put it alongside Half-Life 2 to show the contrast of how you should and shouldn't design an FPS campaign. It's bad but it's so bad that I feel like I appreciate games more because of it lmao

also i remember i beat this mostly in a day because we were snowed in, kind of a weirdly cozy memory 😌

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
