It's hard for me to think about this game from a critical perspective considering just how important it's been in my life these past few years. Obviously it's not perfect and there's an endless amount of things I could nitpick, and even some huge flaws in game design and execution that do significantly bring down the experience. Lackluster story mode is a big one, and the terrible online functionality is definitely disappointing.

Ultimately though, nothing I can complain about will undermine all the fun I've had playing with friends and family, watching or going to tournaments and becoming a part of the community. There's no other game that can bring people together quite like Smash Bros, and no other gaming event that generates as much hype as a bombshell character like Banjo or Steve being revealed.

Unlike some others, I don't expect Ultimate will be the last game in the series, in fact I hope we get something of a reboot for the next title. The core gameplay is and will always be brilliant, and any issues I may have with character design come secondary to that fact. It is no hyperbole to say that I would be a different person without Smash in my life, and I just hope that I can continue to feel passionate about this game in the future.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
