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Time Played

36h 2m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 18, 2024

Platforms Played


THPS4 has all the marks of a new and improved sequel. Better movement (though it takes a little to get used to), new hub based level design that allows you to get better acquainted with the levels, and new mechanics that further deepen the potential of banging out nasty combos.


This novelty doesn't last forever. Much like THPS2, the latter stages of the game turn into complete fucking nonsense, but this time it's a different kind of nonsense. Rather than braindead level layout, the issue this time is exhausting goals that literally suck the soul out of you. And that's not even mentioning the Pro specific goals. A good majority of them are complete nonsense they threw together with glue and scotch tape and said fuck it because they need to get back to dicking around.

I understand Neversoft had to pump these games out like Phillip Rivers and his wife pump out children, but you weren't there when I was trying to hit 1.5 Million points in Chicago. I have never in my life felt more defeated than when I failed over and over again over the span of nearly four hours trying the same exact line over and over again only to get fucked by the balance meter or just jump in the water and ruin the whole fucking thing. That shit genuinely broke me. I don't ever want to go through some shit like that again in my whole life.

Even still, I can't bring myself to hate this game.

Yes, Neversoft may as well have barged in my room and beat the shit out of me with the way this game had me tweaking, but that pro skater charm is still there. It's not quite as magical as THPS3, but their distinct humor and creative direction is still very apparent in this game. The soundtrack is the worst of the series so far, but that's saying essentially nothing because there is still so many bangers in this game. And how can you not love the bonus movies? Just guys being dudes drinkin beer and playing ping pong and shit. Could be why the goals suck ass actually but that's not the point.

Even if THPS4 totes the best gameplay in the series so far, I can't forgive the sins they committed with the level design in this game, especially since the levels themselves are actually a blast (except for Chicago) (fuck Chicago). The joy in improvising and landing sick lines has never been better, but unfortunately some chump over there wants you to do some nonsense bullshit that somehow manages to be frustrating, difficult, and wildly unfun all in one package that's gonna have you begging Tony Hawk himself to end your suffering.

I usually don't like when people say this, but you're better off playing the levels in THUGPRO.

Jango Fett is fucking awesome though.