This was not as disappointing as I thought it'd be. It still is a letdown from X4 though. Oddly enough feels more rushed than the other X games I've played despite it having the longest development time between all of them.

The issue is that the levels either are too short or drag on with mini bosses. Alia's dialog is annoying to get through in replays (and that's a reason why I'm not finishing the game as X). Most of the collectibles require really dense backtracking to get and they aren't that much worth getting since you have to get all of the pieces of an armor or upgrade to use them, and you would have assembled the armors and upgrades by endgame. The bosses share the same issue with X3 being too easy to abuse weaknesses but some are solid. The visuals are tacky with SNES tier sprites that clash with the ones reused in X4 plus the weird use of 3d models that look like 80's renders.

The story has surprisingly good character interactions especially the ones with Zero but there are glaring plot contrivances, and after removing animated cutscenes this is a bit less interesting to watch. As a conclusion to the X's series it does not give that much attention to X but it does to Zero again, even as a conclusion to his character he almost ends up dying the same way he did in X1 with torn lower half and all. There's no reason he would not be brought back the same way he did in X2. The bad ending did resonate with me despite that.

I think this is the last X game I'll play, since I've heard the other X games lose their touch because this was supposed to be the final X game. I finished this as Zero with only two heart tanks and no ultimate armor so I'm satisfied ending the series like this.

jessie play even if we scare the hoes.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2021
