Used to think this was the hardest game ever when I was 9. Replayed it a few months ago and realized it was a fairly generic, below average kids 3D platformer plagued with super forgettable levels that all blend together, powerups that feel super derivative of powerups from other platformer games, the same generic types of worlds as other platformers, weak-sauce writing, and OK at best minigames and multiplayer. Got through about 2/3 of the game but once it started recycling worlds, I dropped it in a heartbeat and have no real interest in continuing.

Also, pretty much any level that uses the Chameleon or Balloon powerups can go fuck off. Those are made needlessly more difficult by the former’s super funky timing and the latter’s strict flight time limit, and they can be some of the longest stages in the game.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2020
