I think you can file this one under 'noble failures'. They made an honest effort -- hand-drawn animation, an attempt at real storytelling, fun easter eggs, a logical and realistic progression of levels -- but they just couldn't pull it off. In the end, no matter what the vision for the game may have been, the result is ugly and not fun to play.

The shooting combat is tuned very poorly, making the game much harder than it needs to be. On the medium difficulty, your character can only take about three hits, and your enemies can peg you from all the way across the map if you don't see them first. Due to the Old West setting, they're all hitscanners that look roughly the same, so there's no good way to approach any combat situation besides crawling along at a snail's pace and hoping you catch them unawares.

Beyond the gameplay, the window dressing isn't any more impressive. The character graphics are mostly hideous scanned-in sketches and the story is somehow both perfunctory and overdone at the same time. It's all just a miss.

Hard to believe this is from the same company that made STAR WARS: DARK FORCES a couple years earlier. I don't know anything about the production but it seems to me like this had to be rushed or something. There's ideas but no polish or execution. Shame.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2021


1 month ago

I had to switch to easy because the normal difficulty was so horribly balanced I don't believe they even playtested that difficulty setting enough, and the easy difficulty is so goddamn easy it felt like I was walking around with god mode activated, I could clear a room of four to five guys while standing still and end up losing just half of the health whereas in normal I would have died in a matter of seconds.

1 month ago

@paq250_ yeah I agree, I feel like some of this game's biggest problems could have been solved with the simple sort of tweaks that should probably come with more testing