Problems aside, this goes a long way on its look, sound, and vibe alone, which are so good they basically defined a legendary company for a generation. It might be the least of the Genesis Sonics, but that aforementioned non-gameplay stuff is already locked in, and it's truly wonderful. Green Hill Zone in particular feels like a turning point, and it remains one of the most memorable and comfy platformer environments to this day.

The rest of the Sonic experience, though, is still very much in-development. Most importantly, they hadn't quite figured out what a Sonic level should be yet. You get whole zones that demand a more careful and deliberate pace devoid of the famous momentum, and, in short, they suck. If you've played the sequels, you'll be dying for moves, power-ups, level design, and characters from them pretty quickly (not to mention extra lives and continues, goddamn), but honestly, that's okay. This was a necessary step. It's perfectly playable, and worth doing so just to absorb that Sonic feel in its earliest and purest form.

Reviewed on May 22, 2021
