Actually a little surprised that this isn't better, based on its reputation. Lotta jank, not much of interest to do in the (admittedly huge and impressive, for 2004) open world, and a short, awkward story. The web swinging, however, is as good as advertised. In the modern games, it's basically an auto-pilot that, if you want to invest some minor effort into, can be a little more engaging and efficient. Here, though, you do kind of have to genuinely learn it to get anywhere at all, and mastering it can feel VERY satisfying. Higher ceiling and lower floor - I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that contrast to the modern AAA experience.

Impressive and worthwhile only for the groundbreaking traversal and for seeing just how much this laid the groundwork for future games. Like, there's both big structure stuff and tiny little gameplay/mission design details that they are still doing EXACTLY in 2023, wild.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024


1 month ago

I was sorta shocked that the crime system was nigh identical to the modern iteration, those games are so indebted to this on top of the obvious arkham inspiration

1 month ago

@pangburn yeah the first time I had to stop a runaway car in this I was like ......... oh wow that's just ... exactly the same huh. Lots of funny moments like that