I always looked back on this one even more fondly than the original trilogy, but playing them all now as an adult, this is definitely much weaker. Levels are now small and mazelike, and often have a very random, slapped-together feel.^ None of the level flow or enemy placement (or enemy design, for that matter) feels particularly thought-through. The only time when you can perceive much deliberation from the designers is when you encounter a cheap deathtrap that you know exists just to be annoying. That occasional 'gotcha' game design was probably classic iD's worst trait.

^It doesn't even have a proper final area! It just cuts to the ending cinematic whenever you beat all the levels in whatever order you feel like.

Looks nice! But inferior to the previous three games in just about every other way.

P.S.: This has to be easily the worst Bobby Prince soundtrack, right?

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2021
