It's a bit of a shame to see all the edges of the original RATCHET & CLANK sanded off in service of a very safe mid-2010s aggressively focus-tested AAA-game/Marvel-movie vibe, but it's not as though the original was some triumphantly transgressive piece of pop art to begin with -- it was a better-than-average action-platformer/shooter, and that's still the case here. It's fun fluff. It goes down easy.

Beyond the questionable changes to the plot there are some weak new gameplay interludes as well, but nothing showstopping (aside from a very strange, abrupt final boss and ending, but it's over so quickly (especially if you have the RYNO) that you'll hardly notice). The weapon selection and the visuals are quite good, and they make up for the couple bum notes in the campaign. Some pretty frequent glitches and bugs are less excusable.

Short and not particularly deep, but well-made and fun enough.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2021
