A dull, bog-standard HALF-LIFE clone notable for one thing and one thing only - the environmental destruction tech, a.k.a. the Geo-Mod system. The first time you fight some mech who's shooting rockets at you, and you duck into a stairwell for cover only to have the entire stairwell be blown up around you in a totally physics-based and unscripted way, your jaw will drop. It's STILL cool and STILL impressive, even with how old and busted the rest of this thing is. The game never really does enough with it; it's more of a novelty than anything - but what a novelty.

Other than that, very little going on. You fight guys in armor, and then guys in more armor, and then guys in even more armor. A couple machines and a couple animals or something. Every boring weapon you can think of. Cool germ of a plot (armed labor uprising against an evil corporation) but nothing of interest done with it. Basically, Geo-Mod deserved a better game.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024


Honestly dug this game and its Total Recall/Half-Life blend for the first half but it really drops off in quality in the second half.

3 days ago

@CretinWorkshop yeah it seems like it could/should go somewhere interesting with the setup it has but then it kind of never does. This is my first time playing it since release (on PS2) and I do remember it being a lot cooler back then. Maybe it's less impressive to me on PC because of its contemporaries, meanwhile on PS2 it was competing with ... Timesplitters 1 lol