I tolerated WINGS OF LIBERTY and managed my disappointment for it well enough, but I genuinely hate this game. I cannot think of a major triple-A game, let alone a sequel to a legendary title, that has writing and storytelling this cliched, clumsy, and inert. It makes RESIDENT EVIL 6 look like fucking DISCO ELYSIUM. Even setting aside how bad of a sequel this is (it honestly might as well take place in another universe than the first), just the characterization and plot beats are so fucking predictable and boring and asinine and UNEARNED. It feels like fanfiction written by a junior high school student.

If you had told me in 2000 that STARCRAFT would have three infinite-budget sequels with thirty missions apiece comprising one mega-game, and THE ENTIRETY of the story of it would be concerned with the UNDYING LOVE of Kerrigan and Raynor, who IT'S NOT EVEN CLEAR WERE A THING BEYOND FLIRTING in the first game, I probably would have firebombed Blizzard's offices sometime between then and 2010.

I CANNOT believe that they did a SECOND WHOLE GAME with them pining for each other and trying to save and redeeeeeemmmmmm each other. That's the WHOLE THING, for TWENTY HOURS. AGAIN. Oh, sorry, that and Kerrigan wants to kill Mengsk. She says it at the beginning, and then in every subsequent mission, and then at the end she does it, with no plot twists or variations of any kind. That's the whole thing. And it's THIRTY FUCKING MISSIONS.

No interesting characters. Zero. The clumsiest possible nods to the original game. Embarrassing art design. Embarrassing voice acting. Silly-ass missions with health-bar boss fights. The lamest, most wannabe-MASS EFFECT-ass 'crew' interactions (with fuckin Zerg bugs!!!! So stupid!!!).

I was dreading this a bit given the last one and because I've never cared too much for the Zerg and always considered Kerrigan somewhat tiresome, but jeSUS I did not think it was gonna be this fucking dull. And insulting!

Trash. Close the company. Apologize.

(3/10 because the gameplay is still good, lol)

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
