Sawa-senseiiiiiiiiiiiiii, I s2g if I hear Yagami say it one more time

Anyway, this is a marginal step down from the original. The stealth sucks, the side activities suck, the new QTEs suck, the investigating sucks, the parkour REALLY sucks, and the final dungeon is probably one of the dopiest sequences in the franchise. In this more than any other RGG game, the gameplay besides the fighting seems incredibly perfunctory - like this should really just be a beat 'em up with a bunch of cutscenes between fights. But the fighting is still good and it's got that old YAKUZA charm, so it can't ever dip below passable, really.

Also, you can just freely beat the everloving SHIT out of high school students in this game, and in fact need to for the plot. Gotta get some points for that.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023


11 months ago

they were so afraid of people complaining about the stealth that they decided nobody should ever be able to fail it

11 months ago

@jobosno lol yeah. They go miles out of their way to contrive a reason to force you into a stealth situation and then it's 30 seconds long, your path is highlighted for you, and it shows and autoaims where to throw the distraction items. Wtf are we doing here

11 months ago

What a coincidence, I just started playing this about a week ago even though it's been in my backlog for well over a year.

The fact that you can beat up kids is a MAJOR selling point.

11 months ago

@acquiescence I got this day one and for one reason or another have been stopping starting it for twoooo yearrrrrrs, so glad to be done. Not a reflection on its quality at all, just kept getting interrupted