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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 11, 2023

First played

November 10, 2023

Platforms Played


Pretty fun for a fanfic sequel to the bible!

Not having any real world language is definitely a plus for a language puzzle game, and made me feel like a more active participant than Heaven's Vault. The multiple languages were also a big plus; the best puzzles are definitely when you have to translate from one to another, and thus need to remember each language's syntax, and ways of describing the same thing.

But also, the game undermines itself by pulling its punches. Vocab is validated too often, and the picture clues are too obvious. Often times I was able to guess just because I had so few available words. And there were several instances where the real definitions were wildly different from my placeholder definitions. Hard not to compare it unfavorably to the much stricter way Obra Dinn handled the issue. All that is ultimately forgivable, but I won't forgive the stealth sections. Totally unnecessary and extremely boring!

I'd like to see more emphasis on language features. One of the best moments I had was realizing that drawing a box around a noun meant a place that holds that thing, e.g. "dead" with a box around it means "cemetery". I ended up noticing a lot of great touches like that, but never needed to again.

Still, a great weekend game