Diablo IV 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 26, 2024

Platforms Played


A perfect example of modern Blizzard game - boring, obsessed with trying to remind you of the older games you actually liked, and full of repulsive monetization. Very strange to watch a developer who used to be known for sturdy, focused gameplay peppered with pretty cutscenes make a game that's so at war with itself.

I wanna stress that I am not a hard mark for games like this. I love a good braindead podcast game. But if you're going to interrupt my numb clicking every 30 seconds with long-ass dialog, it better be good.

And it's just not. It's standard issue Blizzard writing - good at capturing character voice, miserable at building to any kind of cohesive plot. Also they made yet another evil, sexy monster lady.

Combine that with the easiest gameplay in the series - unbelievable that they cap the difficulty until you beat the whole story - and you have a boring game that doesn't even have the decency to shut up and let you turn your brain off. Talk to this quest giver, your season pass level increased, zone rewards available, you got a paragon point, world boss will spawn soon, buy customization packs with platinum!

This is not a game, it's a busy box for children who know their parent's credit card number.