Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 29, 2023

First played

August 26, 2023

Platforms Played


A rare addition to indies with good feeling movement that has useful, accessible tech that isn't spoon fed to you. Also throw it on the pile of indies with a great hook and totally superfluous combat.

I love that it's short - I clocked in at 4.4 hours - but when I checked my play time, I was kinda surprised it wasn't, like, twice as long. I did a lot of aimless wandering, looking for a room I hadn't completed or even just trying to find my way to the zone I wanted to be in. I think this is because I wasn't ever able to play for very long, so it was hard to hold the whole layout of the castle in my head. Other people have said it needs a map, but I don't want that. Instead, I wish that there was more visual variation inside each zone, so I had something to jog my memory. But I also can't really hold that against what is clearly a small team, making an intentionally small game.