Log Status






Time Played

3524h 0m

Days in Journal

31 days

Last played

June 1, 2023

First played

January 4, 2020

Platforms Played


It's admittedly hard to recommend a game like PA in the state it's in right now - Your mileage absolutely will vary depending on if you're a custom levels person or not. If you are, play the hell out of this - you don't get custom level communities like this everywhere. If not, then absolutely take a look at it again once the Story Mode drops - because that's already shaping up to be nothing like what the community has created and in the best way possible. And if you want to try your hand at the level editor, just know that it's definitely also not for everyone like the game itself.

For the currently price though, I've definitely found it to be more than worth it myself. I mean...my playtime might be inflated due to accidentally leaving the game in the background a lot, but it's still no joke the game I've put the most time into and for good reason.