This game hits entirely different once you realize how far into the future you can plan things for your Blockheads to do.

Oh, they still craft or sleep or walk while you have the game closed? Cool, I’ll have this guy whack away at making some copper wire or whatever while I do something else. But wait! Blockheads need energy, and the only reliable way to get energy is by having them sleep in a bed. But….you can schedule that like any other task, and they’ll follow any orders you add after it once they wake up…

What followed for me was a ridiculous challenge I put on myself - with a line of beds in the basement of my Blockhead’s home, I made it a mission to make them do as much as possible without me playing the game. I looked up how the energy from sleeping translated to time spent crafting, and a Pandora’s box of micromanagement was opened. The Blockheads is already a phenomenal game, but doing this on a replay - pushing my little guys to do as much as possible in one go - made it unlike anything else. So yeah, this game still holds up very well (advertisements aside) - especially if you can turn the crafting times of everything into the main antagonist.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
