If you wished there was a sequel to FTL with more story encounters, ship management, crew activities, lots of weapons and permanent roguelite unlocks... then this is that game.

Do give it some time as it can be very punishing and feel incredibly stacked against you at first. So expect to die a lot initially but once you've played enough to unlock some things for new runs it becomes easier and a lot more fun. The roguelite unlocks don't really make you overpowered but offers you starting perks to choose from, you spend points from the last run to slightly customize your next run.

Unlike with FTL there's a bit of a learning curve since there is a lot more to learn and manage, most notably the crew and all the weapon and ship module types. It's all a bit overwhelming at first and it takes a while to figure out what works well.

Also some of the RNG encounters can completely turn your "perfect" run into a sudden dire situation, it happens... there's always the next run.