I'm on the final stretch of the game (if you know you know) so i decided to just drop a review now. Once again suda51 making an engaging story with amazing visuals, all characters are very interesting and their relationships are so too. Correctness didn't really click with me a lot, i loved shiro and kuro, the first few cases were interesting but at some point i felt the story went too off the rails and i kinda lost track of it; by the end i kinda got it and some reveals were pretty good but it just wasn't that 10/10 i hoped. Matchmaker was very fun, good characters, classic kill the past plot which was great and what good art it had, it felt quite a bit too side storish but had a good clear plot to follow. Now Placebo? once again that takes the fucking whole cake. Tokio is such an interesting character and idk what it is about placebo that it's just so interesting. The diary entries are just great insight in different characters, that one case where tokio's story is mixed in with meru's diary was just great, definitely the main character of this game. And YUKI was so good too, what a great way to end placebo. Overall another great KTP entry but i just couldn't click with it in some few instances but can't wait for more also i guess i'm half-way through black out and i'm definitely doing all of it

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2021
