Koudelka is my roman empire.

I think of this game a lot, and i think i prefer it to the rest of the shadow hearts canon.

Theres something special here, an aesthetic a vibe a feeling that seeps into every passing moment thats reminiscent of the way Silent Hill feels otherworldly.

The cast is small, the story narrow, but that doesnt stop me from loving this whole experience. The titular character Koudelka is a shot of adrenaline, a romani psychic drawn to the scene of absolute tragedy at the monastary, a headstrong and driven young woman willing to tackle any and all comers. Shes a fantastic lead, fully realized at a time when the medium wasnt too hot at handling female-led narratives.
I havent replayed this in close to five years, so do make allowances for any holes in memory, but i find Edward mostly tolerable. Feels like a rough draft for the character of Rick from The Mummy, a treasure hunting and schmoozy do-gooder here more for the vibe than any higher purpose. The final piece of the cast is James, a priest who ties directly to the overarching plot in ways that are not immediately apparent.

The game is maybe a bit weak as a game-the combat is fun but a solved puzzle after the first hour or so, and the exploration a clone of Resident Evil but somehow lacking.

But the vibes, man. The battle theme is an all timer, the monastary is spooky without veering too often into ludicrous (the spencer mansion is a bit goofy if we're being straight with one another.)

I'd say play this, but only if you love Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and are jonesing for a similar fix. Loses half a star because i cant in good faith recommend the game to everyone.

Reviewed on May 04, 2024
