Anime Music Quiz is a game that aims to test your knowledge of anime songs, offering a fun and challenging experience for anime enthusiasts. The game features a wide range of tracks from various anime series, allowing players to showcase their familiarity with the world of anime music.
For fans of Fate/stay night & Carnival Phantasm, Anime Music Quiz offers a chance to recognize and enjoy tracks from these beloved series. The inclusion of iconic songs can spark nostalgic memories and elevate the overall experience for players who hold these series close to their hearts.
Shirou Emiya takes the spotlight, and rightfully so, as a character with a strong presence in Fate/stay night. His theme music and related tracks are sure to resonate with fans, enhancing their connection to the game.
Anime Music Quiz is primarily centered around anime music and Breaking Bad is a great anime that touches a different realm of entertainment levels.
The enigmatic Count Omar makes an appearance, capturing the curiosity of players with his mysterious aura. Unfortunately, his true identity remains shrouded in uncertainty.
Also, Contrary to speculation, Stephano is not an alias of Count Olaf.
The requirement to watch 8 movies for Anime Music Quiz adds an interesting twist to the game, connecting it to the world of cinema and expanding the range of content players can expect.
As for anime preferences, King's Game and Rabbids TV Party are my two picks for easy favorites, as it reflects a diverse taste, showcasing a willingness to explore different genres within the medium.
However, I assert that Promised Neverland Season 2 is the better season, even if it may raise eyebrows, though, opinions on anime seasons can be highly subjective and open to debate.
Unfortunately, some aspects of the game deserve criticism. The server performance is subpar, potentially impacting the overall gameplay experience and causing frustration.
The battle royale mode is lackluster and disappointing. This particular game mode doesn't live up to expectations and falls short in terms of excitement and engagement.
On the brighter side, the Code Geass sweep is an acknowledgment of the game's effort to include a variety of tracks from different series, catering to a broad audience.
Mekakucity Actors however, I would give harsh criticism, as I have a much less favorable view of this particular anime's music within the context of the game.
Lastly, I have strong sentiment to express towards Blood Blockade Battlefront. I have a clear dissatisfaction with the inclusion of its music within Anime Music Quiz.
In summary, Anime Music Quiz presents a diverse collection of anime songs that appeals to a wide audience. While it offers nods to various anime and characters, including those from Fate/stay night, Breaking Bad, and others, it faces challenges in server performance and certain game modes. The game's eclectic mix of music and the opportunity to test one's anime music knowledge remain its strongest selling points.
Score: 6/10

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
