Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what to make of this game. As I sit here trying to remember when I played it, I draw a complete blank. It's one of those mysteries of life, I suppose. But hey, let's dive into this conundrum anyway.

I must admit, the idea of Superman, the iconic superhero, in a video game is intriguing. After all, who wouldn't want to step into the shoes of the Man of Steel and take on the forces of evil? But here's the kicker - I can't for the life of me remember actually playing this game.

Superman 64 is infamous for its incredibly low ratings and numerous criticisms. It's often regarded as one of the worst games ever made. People say it's a glitchy mess with poor controls and a lackluster story. But honestly, I can't confirm any of this because, well, I don't remember playing it.

Maybe it's one of those cases where the mind erases traumatic experiences, and playing Superman 64 was so traumatic that my memory decided to give it the old "delete" treatment. Or maybe, just maybe, I've been spared from this gaming disaster.

So, my friends, I'll have to leave you with this puzzling non-review of a game that I apparently played but can't recall a single detail about. Was it really as bad as they say? Did Superman truly lose his powers in a deconstruction of individualist power fantasies? I guess we'll never know. Maybe it's time to take a page from my own book and review Ninjabread Man instead.

Score: ?/10

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
