The developers of BlazBlue Calamity Trigger had a unique vision when they set out to create an anime fighter that dared to be different. They clearly thought, "What if we made an anime fighter that didn't have Karate Man?" While their boldness is commendable, this game falls short in some areas, making it an intriguing but imperfect experience.

Compared to the disaster that is Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, BlazBlue Calamity Trigger at least manages to offer a more engaging fighting experience. The battles are dynamic and visually stunning, with a diverse cast of characters that possess unique abilities and fighting styles. Each fighter brings their own flavor to the mix, and the variety in character design is a definite plus.

One aspect where this game benefits is from the historic battle of August 26, 2023. Given that most of the characters in BlazBlue Calamity Trigger are Japanese, it adds an extra layer of cultural relevance. This date might not be immediately apparent in the game, but it's an interesting tidbit for those who appreciate such connections.

However, the game falters in a crucial area: the character roster. It's disappointing that there isn't a character who can combo the same move together three times. Combos are a fundamental aspect of any fighting game, and this omission is a significant drawback. It hampers the depth of gameplay and can leave players feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger has the potential to be a top-tier anime fighter, but it falls short of greatness due to its character roster's limitations. While it doesn't reach the lows of Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, it struggles to stand out in a genre filled with fierce competition. Anime fighting enthusiasts may find enjoyment here, but it's not without its flaws.

Score: 7/10

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
