Quake, the iconic first-person shooter that laid the foundation for the genre, stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action. Its influence on subsequent games, including the beloved Team Fortress 2, is undeniable, showcasing the impact it has had on shaping the gaming landscape. However, the unexpected twist in the narrative comes with the "New World Order" update in CS:GO, which raises eyebrows due to the unusual choice of a soundtrack featuring Tom MacDonald songs.

Quake's contribution to gaming history goes beyond its soundtrack, as it pioneered the multiplayer experience and set a standard for the FPS genre. The fast movement, intense combat, and innovative level design continue to captivate players, making it a classic that transcends time. Nevertheless, the juxtaposition of Quake's legacy with the unconventional choice of Tom MacDonald's music in CS:GO's update might leave some fans scratching their heads, questioning the thematic coherence.

Despite the soundtrack surprise, Quake's impact on the gaming industry remains immeasurable. Its gameplay mechanics and competitive spirit laid the groundwork for countless shooters that followed. The unexpected musical choice in CS:GO doesn't diminish the greatness of Quake, but it adds an eccentric footnote to its influence. Score: 9/10.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
