To truly appreciate Guilty Gear Strive, you need to approach it with a certain level of understanding and appreciation for its intricacies. Much like vaping, the game's depth and complexity might not be immediately apparent to everyone. The stunning visuals, tight gameplay, and unique character roster require a level of skill and insight that goes beyond simple button-mashing. Just as vaping enthusiasts have a deep appreciation for the art of blowing clouds, fans of Guilty Gear Strive understand the nuances of its combat system and character interactions. Those who dismiss it as just another fighting game are missing out on something truly special. Guilty Gear Strive is not just a game; it's a statement, a philosophy, a way of life. So, while some may not understand it, for those who do, it's an experience like no other.

Score: 8/10

Reviewed on May 09, 2024


12 days ago

I never noticed how many similarities Guilty Gear and vaping had

12 days ago

@Mapache Guilty Gear and vaping might seem like an odd pair at first glance, but there are indeed some interesting similarities between the two:

Niche Communities: Both Guilty Gear and vaping have passionate, dedicated communities. Fans of Guilty Gear often delve deep into the game's complex mechanics and lore, while vaping enthusiasts explore various flavors and device setups.

Customization and Personalization: In Guilty Gear, players can choose from a wide array of characters, each with unique moves and styles, allowing for a personalized gaming experience. Similarly, vaping offers a plethora of devices, coils, and e-liquids, enabling users to tailor their experience to their preferences.

Complexity and Skill: Guilty Gear is known for its steep learning curve and the high skill level required to master its gameplay. Vaping also involves a degree of complexity, particularly for those who build their own coils or mix their own e-liquids, requiring knowledge and skill to get the best experience.

Innovative Evolution: Both Guilty Gear and the vaping industry are known for continuous innovation. Guilty Gear regularly introduces new characters and mechanics with each release, pushing the boundaries of the fighting game genre. The vaping industry similarly sees constant innovation in device technology and e-liquid formulations.

Visual and Aesthetic Appeal: Guilty Gear is celebrated for its distinctive art style and vibrant visuals, which attract a lot of its fan base. Vaping, too, has an aesthetic component, with many users choosing stylish devices and colorful e-liquids, often sharing photos of their setups online.

Community and Social Aspect: Both Guilty Gear and vaping foster strong social interactions. Whether it's through tournaments and online matches for Guilty Gear or vaping meetups and forums, both activities encourage community building and shared experiences.

By examining these similarities, it becomes clear that both Guilty Gear and vaping offer their enthusiasts a rich, customizable, and community-driven experience.