underrated DK platfomer, the gameplay here is really solid and unique since this is the only plaformer I know where you can use an set of bongos for control and feel good at the same time, chaining wall jumps, swings, grabs and ground pounds to create combo chains never gets old and mastering each level is satisfying.

the presentation is also pretty good, this game has the good old Nintendo polish in terms of UI and audio design everything just looks and sounds good, the music is also pretty catchy.

level-design is genuinely great, every level is fun to play and each own with their unique gimmicks to spice them up.

boss battles are very fun although they start to get repetitive later on.

overall Jungle Beat is great, it is weirder than the Country games since this was made by Nintendo themselves after Rareware's buyout but it's still an good time and every Donkey Kong fan should try it.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
