It's a cute, short game, but the experience didn't come without frustrations.

Firstly, the price is a HUGE detriment when considering the length and quality of the game. Only takes about 2-3 hours maximum with very, VERY little replay value, but prices itself at $15. Compare that to Hollow Knight, a game with the same price, but 3x the development time, over 10x the playtime, and infinitely more replayability-- it's easy to see why this could seem a bit greedy.

The gameplay itself was engaging, but turned frustrating when you found out that the only way to get additional content in the form of follow-up calls was by FAILING to provide an accurate answer. This really disincentivizes players from trying their best, as even when they get 100% accuracy all they receive is a joke coupon for a joke item that doesn't exist. You get a less enriching experience by doing well, which to me felt extremely counterintuitive.

All this wrapped up with an ending that gives the player almost zero closure or answers about the HSH organization, it ended up making me feel very dissatisfied. While this was a fun game to try and I don't regret my time spent (as it wasn't much time at all), I do regret the money spent and would not recommend others to spend theirs on this experience either, unless you can purchase on a DEEP, DEEP sale.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
