I kinda have a mixed opinion about this game...
I was super hyped about it, and the first levels did had that sonic spark, but god, it falls so down in the second half is unbeliveable, and the final boss is asscheeks.
There is no ultra bad level, like metropolis zone, but there also isn't any super good level, they are all pretty solid "good" so they end up kinda bland

If this game costed 30-40€ i would defend it with my life, but for 60€+Funny Lego DLC i can't defend it even if I love Classic Sonic.

Overall bland and goodish quality that stars on a high note to end in a radioactive wasteland, I knew it wasn't going to be a mind-blowing game but it left me kinda hollow inside. Aswell as with the others, I'll edit this review when I do a second gameplay.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2023

1 Comment

1 month ago

There was never a second playtrough this game is ass