10 reviews liked by Darkensou

The black panther for dudes who literally get no bitches and stack zero paper

EXTREMELY entertaining to mock with your friends in a voice chat (What I did)

Sometimes there comes a game that completely changes the industry and revolutionizes everything we know about games.

Eternights is not that game.

If you want a game with a great story, characters, soundtrack, gameplay, graphics, dialogue, cutscenes

you should look elsewhere

It’s very obvious the creators of this game have never touched a woman in their life.

If you managed to find something genuinely enjoyable in this game, without a hint of irony, then you are truly the hero of this story.

Personally, I like playing and watching things that aren't good but they know they aren't good. So, yeah, I had some fun with this game, sharing screenshots and videos of its most stupid moments. However, once I paused, took a deep breath, and reflected on it, I couldn't help but think, "Wow, this is pretty terrible."

It's an indie game, and that fact is screaming at your face every time. There are plenty of indie developers out there who, aware of their limitations, endeavor to create experiences that prevent you from either finding them or unfavorably comparing them to similar bigger titles. Crafting a game that clearly draws inspiration from Persona but only incorporates its worse aspects is a flawed approach.

The point I'm getting at here is that I've spent a considerable amount of time discussing this game, which honestly shouldn't be the case. Let's move on. We've already got a strong contender for the title of "Worst Game of the Year."

Bethesda just dropped the GOTY and thought we wouldn't notice

i suck at all of the games in it but i love hearing people verbally abuse each other and play earrape moonman

Guys it's not that good calm down