ok now that we're 7 years removed of this game coming out and bringing crash back can we actually judge this game as a remake and how bad it is? Sure they made a lot of qol choices for crash 1 that's wonderful but now the whole trilogy feels and looks like shit crash's hit box is awful and he drops like a damn rock now there's so many times I failed jumps or slipped off platforms which never happened in 2 and 3 if I went back and played the originally and the vehicles in 3 now are awful feeling the jet ski as coco is the greatest example in the of it felt slick and fast to control in the remake its slow as shit and the camera work doesn't sell you on the speed looks wise why the hell did they take a game that was supposed to mimick a lot of looney toon cartoons back in the day and tried to make it look realistic in terms of lighting and facial movements and textures nsane crash has always looked uncanny as shit to me

point is while again I'm glad this brought the orange fuck back it left a slightly bad taste in my mouth

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
