Y'know, I am appallingly surprised that I slept on this one when I first played it in 2019. Jak 2 was the main event for a 17 year old Antihero, but he thought Jak 1 was pretty alright. Flash forward 4 years and uh... what was I smoking?

Jak 1's a great time. A very simple platformer, but it does simple effectively! Easy, yes, but it's an incredibly fun time. If you're looking for a simple game without any major difficulty spikes that's easy to get into and fun to 100%, the Precursor Legacy's up your alley.

If there's a critique or two to be had, sometimes you might miss a Precursor Orb or two and the hunt for it can be a little tedious, and the game itself is fairly short. But like I said, give this one a shot. It's an incredibly fun collectathon!

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
